
Claims Services

Sometimes, it takes more than just being right to win a case. Regardless if you have an insurance contract with Carl Schröter, our claim service and recovery expertise are available and even consider deductibles and aggregate franchises. The Claims Service & Insurance Agency GmbH handles and settles claims in the name and on behalf of insurers in Germany and abroad.


About CSIA

Claims Service & Insurance Agency GmbH, or CSIA for short, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Carl Schröter Holding GmbH & Co KG and thus a sister company of Carl Schröter GmbH & Co KG. Its core business has been transport insurance for more than 30 years.

CSIA has been registered as a debt collection company with the Bremen Regional Court since 2009. CSIA has long grown beyond its original purpose as a debt collection service provider for its sister companies. In addition to the enforcement of claims, CSIA handles claims and successfully carries out recourses.

Contact information

Claims Service & Insurance Agency GmbH

Johann-Reiners-Platz 3
28217 Bremen, Germany

Telephone: +49 421 2222992-20
Telefax: +49 421 2222992-99

Internet: CSIA
