Es ist so weit – ab sofort unter neuer Anschrift: HANSAKONTOR - Johann-Reiners-Platz 3, 28217 Bremen (Straßenbahnhaltestelle: Europahafen)

From now on under new address: HANSAKONTOR - Johann-Reiners-Platz 3, 28217 Bremen (Tramway station: Europahafen)


WebCert CARS

The composition of a motorized vehicle fleet is constantly changing. For new vehicles to be immediately put to use and profitable, carriers need a liability insurance and must be able to prove it.


WebCert CARS

The composition of a motorized vehicle fleet is constantly changing. For new vehicles to be immediately put to use and profitable, carriers need a liability insurance and must be able to prove it. The online application WebCert CARS allow users, under "general agreement / framework agreement" , to create confirmation of insurance coverage as well as BAG-certificates.

WebCert CARS-Application
